"The South Texas Showdown is one for the record books with EVP Polaris Pro R now being the fastest Pro R in the world, running a 300’ time of 3.536!" - Jim Zuccone
Competitors from across the US came to race the track in various classes- ATV, UTV Stock, UTV Mod, and UTV Outlaw for significant cash prizes. Team EVP swept all four classes!

Starting with the ATV Class, Rookie driver Stephanie Reid took down every other competitor to take 1st Place in her EVP-Tuned Polaris Sportsman 850. Congratulations Stephanie!
The Stock Class is always a knockdown drag-out fight between Roberta Fisher and her EVP-Tuned 2022 MG1 Can-Am X3 and Dustin Couch with his EVP-Tuned 2019 ME17 Can-Am X3. Many other racers were in the mix battling it out, with Roberta coming out on top! Newcomer Sean Capps edged out Dustin Couch in some good racing for 2nd Place. Roberta and Dustin’s cars are custom tuned by EVP Co-Owner Jim Zuccone.
1st Place: Roberta Fisher (Team EVP)
2nd Place: Sean Capps
3rd Place: Dustin Couch (Team EVP)
The Mod Class was highly competitive, with many favorites coming to the party, including the 43mm world record ET holder Michael Reid, 43mm world record holder for MPH Hunter Law, 46mm world record holder for MPH Raphael Vargas, and newcomer 43mm Travis Bouchey. These are some of the fastest 43 and 46mm cars on the planet, and they battled it out with other competitors, resulting in an EVP podium sweep! Michael Reid and Travis Bouchey’s Can-Am X3s are custom tuned by EVP Co-Owner Jim Zuccone on the factory ECU. Hunter Law and Raphael Vargas’s Can-Am X3’s are custom-tuned by EVP Brandon Toole on an Emtron ECU.

1st Place: Michael Reid (Team EVP P43RR Turbo System, EVP Racing Engine)
2nd Place: Hunter Law (Team EVP P43RR Turbo System, EVP Racing Engine)
3rd Place: Travis Bouchey (Team EVP P43R Turbo System, EVP Racing Engine)
The Outlaw Class was absolutely stunning. EVP Shop Manager Dan Picht has been working hard to make the Polaris Pro R platform a competitive drag race platform. This has been a massive challenge due to the Pro R’s 500lb+ weight disadvantage compared to an X3. Brody Fisher, fresh off his win at the SXS USA Spring Hoedown was determined to keep his winning streak going. Michael Reid entered his 43mm Can-Am X3 into outlaw as well. Brody, Michael, and Dan drove hard to beat all other competitors. In the finals, it came down to Dan Picht in the shop EVP Pro R vs Brody Fisher in his EVP built X3. In what can only be described as a brawl, Dan beat out Brody by .008 seconds to take the win. In addition to this hard-fought win, the EVP Polaris Pro R is now the fastest Pro R in the world, running a 300’ time of 3.536! We are confident that this platform will only get faster. Next time out, we will be shooting for the 3.4s. The Polaris Pro R and Brody Fishers car are both custom tuned by EVP Shop Manager Dan Picht. The Pro R features the Syvecs direct replacement standalone ECU. Huge shout out to Syvecs for making an awesome product that can power the fastest Pro R in the world.

1st Place: Dan Picht (Team EVP shop car, P67 Turbo System, EVP Racing Engine)
2nd Place: Brody Fisher (Team EVP, Desert Storm Turbo System, EVP Racing Engine)
3rd Place: Michael Reid (Team EVP, P43RR Turbo System, EVP Racing Engine)
Congratulations to all EVP Racers! If you are interested in getting involved in drag racing, please reach out to Dan Picht or AJ Dunn and become a part of the EVP Racing family!
EVP Brand Parts on these race vehicles:
EVP Racing Engines
Paragon Turbos
Desert Storm Turbos
Torrent C Plenums
Torrent B Plenums
EVP Mode
EVP Racing Engine Components
EVP Bad Ass Belts
Special thanks to the companies EVP works with:
Spectrum Turbos
Syvecs Direct Replacement ECU
Shock Therapy
TAPP Clutch
Opus Precision
TiAL Sport
Brian Crower
Injector Dynamics
STM Powersports
PWR intercoolers
Sand Tires Unlimited
Ignite Fuels
Knutson Fabrication