EVP 2-Step Launch Control Upgrade For 2017-2021 Can Am Maverick X3
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EVP 2-Step Launch Control Upgrade For 2017-2021 Can Am Maverick X3

EVP DISCLAIMER: Your vehicle must already be tuned with an EVP ECU Power Flash in order to add the Launch Control Upgrade. EVP Launch Control is not compatible with other aftermarket ECU tuning.

An incredible advantage in racing situations, our Launch Control provides about a 2 car-length lead right from the holeshot vs a non-launch equipped vehicle.

Build boost from a standstill without engaging the belt. To engage, step on the brake and apply full throttle. This is when the magic happens – you have a rev limit at either 2300 or 2600 RPMs, retarded ignition and added fuel. The engine starts to pop and backfire while you watch your boost gauge climb from vacuum to up to 8lbs of boost* in about 3 seconds. As soon as you release the brake, it's like being shot out of a cannon and you've launched your way to glory!

EVP ECU MAIL-IN DISCLAIMER: Bench Flash purchase requires removing and sending in your ECU to: 2018 State Road 35 Somerset, WI 54025. Please print and fill out this ECU SUBMISSION FORM and submit it with your physical ECU. Turnaround time is 24-48 hours days to complete AFTER we receive your ECU. 


Launch Control Disclaimer: Evolution Powersports is offering customers the option to purchase launch control, which allows the driver to accelerate very quickly from a standstill. Make sure you and any passengers are properly seat-belted and your path is clear. Do not allow an inexperienced driver to use. Even though we have tested launch control extensively at high launch RPM and high boost on both asphalt and sand/dirt without issue, we have not tested all possible scenarios. When you purchase launch control, you are accepting all risk for its use. Evolution Powersports does not accept any liability for injury or damage to the engine/drivetrain. Use responsibly.

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Launch Control Disclaimer: Evolution Powersports is offering customers the option to purchase launch control, which allows the driver to accelerate very quickly from a standstill. Make sure you and any passengers are properly seat-belted and your path is clear. Do not allow an inexperienced driver to use. Even though we have tested launch control extensively at high launch RPM and high boost on both asphalt and sand/dirt without issue, we have not tested all possible scenarios. When you purchase launch control, you are accepting all risk for its use. Evolution Powersports does not accept any liability for injury or damage to the engine/drivetrain. Use responsibly.