
Due to the hands-on proprietary process,initially there is LIMITED AVAILABILITY for this unlock service

We are only able to process 5 ECU’s in our WI facility at a time due to the labor intensive nature of the unlocking procedure.

After your purchase is confirmed, you will be put on into our '21RR Unlock Queue', in chronological order.

The entire process can take up to 3 weeks after the ECU is received in WI, but in most cases will take less than our current stated lead time.

As we streamline this ECU Unlock process further, we will be able handle a larger volume of ECU's with shorter lead times.

The late model 2021 X3RR unlock service is handled differently than our previous Send-In Bench ECU Flash process. We are now booking appointments and your ECU cannot be sent in until your appointment is available.

Our friendly staff will reach out to you directly when we are ready to receive your ECU.

Fill out the ECU Submission form at time of purchase, print and keep it until we reach out to you to send with your ECU in.